[IT] RISE/1 è quasi interamente dedicato al Myanmar, un Paese che con le recenti elezioni dell’8 novembre – vinte al di là di ogni più rosea aspettativa dalla Lega Nazionale per la Democrazia, guidata dal premio Nobel per la Pace Aung San Suu Kyi – sembra essersi definitivamente lasciato alle…
The special issue of the European Journal of East Asian Studies entirely devoted to Myanmar's transitions and co-edited by Giuseppe Gabusi and Nicholas Farrelly, respectively Head of Program and Research Fellow at T.wai, has just been released.
“Per una strategia efficace occorre definire i confini dell’Indo-Pacifico per l’Italia, stabilire i ruoli che l’Italia intende svolgere, commisurati ai mezzi; investire su partner imprescindibili, quali India e Paesi ASEAN”.
Giuseppe Gabusi is Head of T.wai’s Indo-Pacific Program and an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia at the University of Torino.
Andrea Ghiselli is a non-resident Research Fellow at T.wai and an Assistant Professor of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University (Shanghai).
Pietro Masina is a non-resident Research Fellow at T.wai and an Associate Professor of International Political Economy, History and Institutions of East Asia at the University of Naples “L'Orientale”.