Indo-Pacific Program
Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia


Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia

Le transizioni del Myanmar

Indo-Pacific RISE

[IT] RISE/1 è quasi interamente dedicato al Myanmar, un Paese che con le recenti elezioni dell’8 novembre – vinte al di là di ogni più rosea aspettativa dalla Lega Nazionale per la Democrazia, guidata dal premio Nobel per la Pace Aung San Suu Kyi – sembra essersi definitivamente lasciato alle…

Jan 20, 2016

New Mandala – 15 dicembre 2015

Indo-Pacific In the media

James Giggacher (New Mandala) interviews Giuseppe Gabusi (Università di Torino) in the article “Myanmar’s Tentative Renaissance“.

Dec 15, 2015

Myanmar’s multiple transitions

Indo-Pacific T.notes

Myanmar’s NLD has won popular mandate, but is now confronted with having to deliver on its promises under the de facto guidance of Aung San Suu Kyi

Dec 15, 2015

Military Spending in East Asia: A Growing Concern?

Indo-Pacific T.notes

As East Asia grows in terms of military expenditure, T.wai’s Ruzza and Brucato call for a closer monitoring of the Asia-Pacific region

Nov 10, 2015

Myanmar’s tentative renaissance

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

The special issue of the European Journal of East Asian Studies entirely devoted to Myanmar's transitions and co-edited by Giuseppe Gabusi and Nicholas Farrelly, respectively Head of Program and Research Fellow at T.wai, has just been released.

Jan 15, 2015
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      20 September 2024

      “Per una strategia efficace occorre definire i confini dell’Indo-Pacifico per l’Italia, stabilire i ruoli che l’Italia intende svolgere, commisurati ai mezzi; investire su partner imprescindibili, quali India e Paesi ASEAN”.


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