
Building legitimacy? The role of Chinese contract workers in foreign regimes’ political strategies

This article hypothesizes that differences in the strategies adopted by governments in democratic and non-democratic countries to boost performance-based legitimacy claims make the latter more willing to allow Chinese companies to bring Chinese workers.

SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2022: edizione italiana

[IT] Il SIPRI Yearbook è una fonte autorevole e indipendente di dati e analisi su armamenti, disarmo e sicurezza internazionale. Fornisce una panoramica degli sviluppi relativi a sicurezza internazionale, armi e tecnologia, spesa militare, produzione e commercio di armi, conflitti armati e gestione del conflitto, nonché agli sforzi volti al controllo delle armi convenzionali, nucleari, chimiche e biologiche.

China’s Seaport Investment In The Mediterranean Region And Eu’s Interrogative Approach

In the context of debates on the rise of China in the West, China’s seaport investment projects in the Mediterranean region have aroused concerns in the US and the EU given that they regard China as an emerging strategic and economic challenge. The EU has strategic doubts about the security, political, and economic implications of China’s seaport investments.

The cross-border trafficking in women between Vietnam and China

The PRC is widely recognized as a destination market for many women trafficked in Asia, particularly from Vietnam. Trafficking in women in China is a sensitive and complex issue that threatens public health, security, gender equity and sustainable development.

Human Security | Report 2021

This report offers an overview of the HS issues published in 2021, summarising the insights of a rich group of renown scholars, seasoned practitioners, junior researchers and activists on some of the most critical topics in the fields of peace, conflict and security.

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