
Human Security | Report 2020

This report offers an overview of the HS issues published in 2020, summarising the insights of a rich group of renown scholars, seasoned practitioners, junior researchers and activists on some of the most critical topics in the field of peace and security.

The quest for soft power: competitive vaccine diplomacy in Southeast Asia

The vaccination process across Southeast Asia is proceeding slowly, and neighbouring powers such as China and India are eager to take advantage of this situation through what has been labelled ‘vaccine diplomacy’.

Beyond the handshake moment: peace agreements and the ending of civil wars

Over the past thirty years, peace agreements reached following civil wars have rarely lived up to their promises, let alone the hopes for societal transformation and ‘positive peace’ adumbrated at the time of their signature.

La pandemia da COVID-19 nel Sud-Est asiatico

[IT] La pandemia da COVID-19, scoppiata nei primi mesi del 2020, ha messo a dura prova i sistemi sanitari del Sud-Est asiatico e ha provocato una crisi economica che non si registrava da oltre vent’anni. Il numero di infezioni e di morti nella regione è stato nettamente più basso rispetto alle cifre registrate in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, grazie alla prontezza e all’esperienza mostrate da alcuni governi nel contenere il contagio attraverso una rigorosa applicazione della quarantena e di efficaci sistemi di tracciamento.

Taking a sneak peek at the future worlds of entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia

What do we mean when we speak of entrepreneurship? We will be focusing on entrepreneurship of opportunity: that is, when people embark on entrepreneurial activity because they identify a unique idea or advantage that they believe will add value to society. This means that not all self-employed or individual owned businesses fall into our purview; we are interested solely in businesses originating from the opportunities that arise from the unique gaps that they identify. The core element here is the voluntary undertaking of risk.

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