TOCHINA Spring Seminar: China and the Overseas Chinese in the XXI century

16 May 2017 to 18 May 2017
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Daniele BRIGADOI COLOGNA, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

“Blueprints for a New Global Chinese Identity: China and the Overseas Chinese in the XXI century”

May 16, 2017, Sala Lauree Blu | h. 16-18 | “The overseas Chinese and the globalization of China’s identity politics”
May 17, 2017, Aula Magna | h. 16-19 | TBC
May 18, 2017, Sala Lauree Rossa | h. 16-18 | “Origins and development of the anti-Chinese stereotype in the West”

TOChina Spring Seminars are held every year in the context of the graduate courses of International Relations of East Asia (prof. G. Andornino), International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia (prof. G. Gabusi), and Social Transformations in Contemporary China (prof. Jean-François Huchet). The three courses are part of the Master’s degree in International Studies, University of Torino. Seminars are held, in English or Italian, in the “Campus Luigi Einaudi”, Lungodora Siena 100/a, and are open to interested members of the public.

I TOChina Spring Seminars, tenuti in Inglese o Italiano, si svolgono presso il Campus Luigi Einaudi dell’Università di Torino (Lungo Dora Siena 100/a), nell’ambito dei corsi di Relazioni internazionali dell’Asia orientale (Prof. Andornino), International Political Economy e Political Economy dell’Asia orientale (Prof. Gabusi), eSocial Transformations in Contemporary China (prof. Jean-François Huchet), Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Internazionali, profilo China & Global Studies.

Su iniziativa del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell’ Università degli Studi di Torino; con il sostegno di FONDAZIONE CRT e Torino World Affairs Institute – T.wai

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