TOAfrica Summer School 2024

17 June 2024 to 21 June 2024
University of Turin - Campus Luigi Einaudi
Lungo Dora Siena, 100 | Torino | Italy

Africa is commonly portrayed as a continent characterized by mass emigration, yet the majority of its migration occurs within its own borders. The intricate dynamics of South-South migration within the continent shed light on historical and geographical migration patterns within and between African regions. Mobility and migration within Africa also encompass movement between developing countries in the Global South, increasingly recognized in migration discourse. While traditional narratives emphasize migration from the Global South to the Global North, there is a growing acknowledgment of the significance of South-South migration in shaping economic development and knowledge transfer. Culturally, migration fosters social maturation and strengthens familial bonds through remittance transfers, also catalyzing cultural hybridization and shaping regional integration. Economic factors often dominate migration narratives, but cultural motives significantly influence migration dynamics, impacting cultural identity maintenance and transnational connections.

The integration of InformationCommunication Technology (ICT) with migration further transforms migration governance and societal connections in Africa and beyond. An often- overlooked aspect of migration and mobility is the non- human one, particularly of animals, which can have significant implications for disease transmission and health. Changes in non- human migration patterns due to factors like climate change or habitat destruction can impact disease dynamics. Furthermore, non-human migration influences ecosystem health and biodiversity, affecting human health. Migration patterns in Africa are also linked to infrastructure development and vice versa. Urbanization and the growth of cities drive demand for infrastructure investments, while migration flows shape population distribution and the need for essential services. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for designing policies meeting the needs of mobile populations, promoting economic development, and enhancing resilience to environmental challenges in the continent. The TOAfrica Summer School 2024 will highlight the nuanced understanding of South- South migration and mobility as a spectrum of complex realities shaped by historical, economic, cultural, and environmental factors.

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